Weekly Painting Week 48 Silver Surfer in Monochrome Oil Painting

This monochrome painting came out a little too “mono”. The pthalo blue and white worked for about everything, but a little more contrast did the trick- pthalo turquoise behind the figure made it stand out. Other than that, blue is a great color for a monochromatic work. You can tint (add white) or tone (add black) to make several values of color. Good idea to start with a value scale, mix the colors and go from there. Silver Surfer, 11 x 14″ oil on canvas. silversurferfinal


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3 thoughts on “Weekly Painting Week 48 Silver Surfer in Monochrome Oil Painting”

    1. Thank you so much- means more coming from a die hard fan! Yes they are all for sale- let me know if you want to buy one. Thanks again, and your blog is awesome! 🙂

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