Tag Archives: water

Weekly Painting Week 55 In the Barrel…more surf art

Just when it is starting to get cold, here is a warm water surf painting. Acrylic, 11 x 14 panel. Pthalo blue, cerulean, and for the sky, I mixed a little Ultramarine blue with a lot of Titanium white. Good idea to use a different, cooler blue to separate sky from water. If there is not enough of a difference, mix a little gray in the sky to set it apart.
Acrylics dry darker that they look wet, so don’t fear the bold highlight on these.

Prints, cards, etc


Weekly Painting Week 48 Silver Surfer in Monochrome Oil Painting

This monochrome painting came out a little too “mono”. The pthalo blue and white worked for about everything, but a little more contrast did the trick- pthalo turquoise behind the figure made it stand out. Other than that, blue is a great color for a monochromatic work. You can tint (add white) or tone (add black) to make several values of color. Good idea to start with a value scale, mix the colors and go from there. Silver Surfer, 11 x 14″ oil on canvas. silversurferfinal


<a href=”http://fineartamerica.com/art/all/beach+art/all&#8221; style=”font: 10pt arial; text-decoration: underline;”>beach art art</a>

Weekly Painting Week 41- 3 Completed Paintings

It’s late Friday afternoon, big 3 day weekend ahead, and I left nothing on the table! I mean the easel. Here are the three paintings I have been working on, and think they are finally ready to escape from the studio. The Batman, well, really happy with this one. The island painting saw a surfer get painted in, then painted back out. Let me know what you think- should there be a person in this scene? Last, the abstract wave on paper. I have heeded the advice “don’t fear the bold highlight”. Especially in acrylic, that will make things happen for you. Tip of the week, if you are going to have refreshments in your art area, make sure your paint thinner isn’t near and /or in the same size cup as your iced tea. See photo and don’t drink your paint water by accident. cups

batman croc


green wave

Weekly Painting Week 40- 3 paintings in progress

From last week, here are the three paintings I am working on. This is a good method if one is not coming together, you set it aside, go to the next one, and keep on painting.

The Batman painting is oil, so the layers go slowly. Made a mistake? You can wipe off and start over, but best to wait a day in between. Amped up some of the color, I want this to look really saturated, like an old comic.Batman First Killer Croc

Next, the Acrylic Seascape, coming along nicely, needs some push and pull. Surf scape

Last, the wave on paper. Really slowed down a little and added small details. Nice that it is on paper, that takes some pressure off.

green wave

Speaking of pressure, my deadline for all three is next week.

Thanks for visiting, please leave a comment 🙂

Weekly Painting Week 39- More Comic Art and paintings in progress. May the Fourth Be With You

Hope you got your free comics on Saturday! So much excitement, then May 4th, today the Spiderman movie. So…at a recent comic con I met Ethan Van Sciver, gifted comic artist. Green Lantern Rebirth has art that took my breath away. I handed Ethan my hardback copy and asked if he would sign it— here is a picture of what he did, now in a very treasured place in my collection!! hal jordan

Here are three paintings that I have in the works now. Working in oils on the Batman cover means I can only work on this about one day out of seven. Not letting the layers dry can mean bad cracks a few years down the line. Meanwhile here are two others I started. More as I develop them next week.

croc coverwave1beach1

I sold a painting to a surfer today! how cool is that! this one:

<a href=”http://fineartamerica.com/art/all/surf+art/all&#8221; style=”font: 10pt arial; text-decoration: underline;”>surf art art</a>

Weekly Painting Week 33 Secret Beach

One surfer at a secret location- I used Australian paint- Matisse and German paint- Lukas. They went together very nicely. The Lukas paint was Indigo and came in a squeeze bottle (like the mustard in the fridge, only 3x larger). It was an incredible deal- if you are trying to save on art supplies (and aren’t we all) I would highly recommend the Lukas paint. Jerrys Art-a-rama sells it. The Matisse is made in Australia, and the colors are highly pigmented and PHENOMENAL for ocean colors! This painting is acrylic, 15 x 30″ wave