Tag Archives: chiaroscuro

Been at it all week…

So a long hiatus, but I have a good excuse..err.. reason. I started to teach a couple of classes and there is nothing like that to give your skill set a workout! Since they are drawing and painting, I will post a couple of each. Here is a starter, thanks and welcome to the new followers and thanks again to my old friends 🙂


Weekly Painting Week 100- the simple things


Back to basics- figure drawing with charcoal. One piece of paper, one stick of charcoal, one eraser, a cloth. I had a discussion with a fellow artist, he said good drawing was not necessary for good painting. I am on the other side– work on drawing, make better paintings. Draw, draw, draw. Thanks for following all the way to week 100- whew! 18 x 24- “Athena”

Weekly Painting Week 93 Black, White, and Grey

torrit grey

Working on a few possibilities in oil using only Black, White, and Gamblin Torrit Grey. I am carving the horses out of the darkness. Those lumps on the beach may turn into dogs… or maybe a lobster, I haven’t decided.

Weekly Painting Week 51 Back to Black..and white and 50 shades of grey- Gamine


If you took all the pigments in the color spectrum and mixed them together, what color would you make?

Every spring, Gamblin Paint collects a wealth of pigments from their Torrit Air Filtration system. They filter the air around the areas where workers handle dry pigments so that they are not exposed to pigment dust. Rather than sending the expensive pigments into the landfill, Gamblin paint makers recycle them into “Gamblin Torrit Grey”. The result is a little different each year, and they have a competition for artists to use Torrit Grey, black and white as the only hues. Check out the entries at Gambincolors.com, and head to Jerry’s or Dick Blick and get your own tube and enter!

One quick tip that I learned from Erik– Mix your colors using a value scale, about five shades of grey and white and black. Prepping your colors before you start painting will give you a profoundly different result than mixing as you go. My own tip- start painting with the darkest value and save the lightest for the end.

Gamine, 8 x 10 painting, oil on canvas.

Weekly Painting Week 40- 3 paintings in progress

From last week, here are the three paintings I am working on. This is a good method if one is not coming together, you set it aside, go to the next one, and keep on painting.

The Batman painting is oil, so the layers go slowly. Made a mistake? You can wipe off and start over, but best to wait a day in between. Amped up some of the color, I want this to look really saturated, like an old comic.Batman First Killer Croc

Next, the Acrylic Seascape, coming along nicely, needs some push and pull. Surf scape

Last, the wave on paper. Really slowed down a little and added small details. Nice that it is on paper, that takes some pressure off.

green wave

Speaking of pressure, my deadline for all three is next week.

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