Tag Archives: woman

Weekly Painting Week 100- the simple things


Back to basics- figure drawing with charcoal. One piece of paper, one stick of charcoal, one eraser, a cloth. I had a discussion with a fellow artist, he said good drawing was not necessary for good painting. I am on the other side– work on drawing, make better paintings. Draw, draw, draw. Thanks for following all the way to week 100- whew! 18 x 24- “Athena”

Weekly Painting Week 73 Black and White Figure- A matter of perspective.

Once at a museum, I watched visitors looking at an abstract painting. They turned their heads left right, then tried to look at the painting upside down. Abstract art is like that- I know there was a huge debate after Morris Louis died, in displaying his work, which side was the top. The below painting seems obvious, but I rotated the image and you know what? I like it in any direction! “Mary Jane” 11 x 14, Oil on heavy paper.




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Weekly Painting Week 72- Do over Black and White Figure Painting

I had a great teacher, Maria, who told us sometimes when things aren’t working out, turn the painting to the wall and do something else. Sometimes that’s the best thing you can do. I parked this one for over a year:

walk to the opera

There was something about it, muddy, blah, not very interesting,

A few days ago I tried a few things- brightened the sky, warmed up the grey in the skintones, added detail and highlights and a little work on the background, and got this:


Much happier with this one! I used Gamblin Torrit Grey, Chromatic black and titanium white. Oil on canvas, 16 x 20″.

This painting was sold last week- to a collector near Osaka Japan! Arigato Gozimasu!
